Author: Pol Rosenthal

  • Chefchouen and Meknes…

    Chouen and Meknes hyeongssi and i are in a small and wretched affair of a town called chouen or chefchouen. it’s a few hours from tangiers. feels like being trapped in the food court of an american mall. all the joints are themed, but hyeong-chan loves this place so we are here for another day…

  • art ideas: a salute to a deadbeach

    1. construct a wall capable of holding a lot of stuff in a sticky, viscous veneer. 2. impregnate said sticky, viscous veneer with seashells. 2a. all such shells de mar must have their ridges pushed into the quagmiring veneer, that is to say, “allow their depths to be exposed to the plundering of the observant…

  • “Suspection of a Final Hallowed Ground”

    There she was again, come back like an old hit, flanked by the latest in sexual consent. She’d made sure he knew to come around by not inviting him. Not that it was her party. She was crying anyway. He stood there all kinds of coy and lounging. Always sure of one thing, some thing:…

  • book idea# 4563

    write a book on the history of marching bands or perhaps a book on the history of the modern day radical marching band. sf, nyc, london, greensborough, etcetera; wherever you find radical marching bands. should obviously include a disc of music and video. contact honkfest to see if they are interested in participating on any…

  • story idea #225.3

    write out the whole ‘bombs and drugs’ story at JFK. coming back from europe. off to africa. things to remember: the tchkung show before you left the country (bombs) in madrid (drugs) the crazy lady with all the coke when you came back into the country your house was demolished when you got back to…