A little more than a month ago i was on Governor’s Island; it’s a small dot of land off the coast of Manhattan, perhaps 5 minutes by water taxi.
I was there with Seattle theater company ‘Implied Violence’ to perform their latest, ‘The Dorothy K,’ an introductory piece to a longer working that IV principals Ryan Mitchel and Mandy O’Connell warn me will be around 24 hours in length.

New York was the opening volley; next year there are plans to stage other segments of this opus in Austria and later in Germany. It sounds extravagant, but someone must produce epic theatrical work in the states.
I won’t discuss the island or the festival that brought us or even the piece here, but I wanted to post some shots of the installation space that housed the show and a few images of an exhausted crew loitering, lounging, fitfully grimacing and collapsing our way through a grueling amount of work to produce a two-week run. [Check the link at the end of this post. -Ed]
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. If you think I’m being lazy please feel free to contact me. If you think you want to use me please feel free to contact me and then stand in line; I feel like I’m being used all the time these days.
Just another tool on the surface of the biosphere…
more pics here: behind the scenes of The Dorothy K