recently i went into the studio with my good friend anna huckabee. we recorded a cover of the cash family’s ring of fire. the song is by the lovely june and popularized by the cranky bastard johnny. and it really is the only song by the man i have ever had any affinity for. i suspect it’s the mariachi horn arrangements and the way that june’s stellar vocals come in at the end of the track. it’s enough to raise the hackles listening to that woman sing.
anna and i travelled through korea and japan last year as part of the p.a.n. dance theater company. the impressario of the group, dk pan, asked us to perform the song as part of the floor show. i was antagonistic at first, but after anna and i had rehearsed it a few times i began to fall madly in love with her strange r-n-b through a country filter vocals. not to mention that the little sprite just threw herself into it so much that i was basically dragged along. and, of course, ‘je ne regrette riene…’
here’s the track: [haiku url=”″ title=”Ring Of Fire”] Ring of Fire.mp3
anna sings. i percuss. a really nice cat named chris recorded it and did the cleanup. and it was so much fun.
and yes, i did make a film. it debuted at the northwest film forum a month ago. it was exciting. while i will not be putting the film up on youtube or vimeo or whatever i am planning to write about the experience still at some point. i’ve rreceived a lot of favorable responses to the piece and so i want to shop it out to festivals. if you know of any film fests that would be interested in the work of a black film maker who focused on queer projections of performance and desire let me know. sundance?

4 responses to “Music: no confessions… a ring of fire”
That was seriously beautiful. You both sound awesome!
you’re just saying that because you have to put up with me every christmas!
awww julie, you are too nice to me!
maybe one day we can do a family affair recording…
Thank you so much for posting this! Every day I walk past him and think he’s real somehow.
dude. he is real. we caught him ages ago and left him for dead in your 2nd basement. that’s why the gubbernmint is so lost in their attempts to nab him. who would have thought that a boy and his wolf-dog could catch the most desperate atrocitier in amurric’n history.